Worlds Wrapped - Groups Day 2

It was a tale of two halves for western League fans. Europe dominated across the board and finished 3-0 on the day, while NA were completely outclassed and have yet to find a win in groups.

A European Sweep

It was a fantastic day for the LEC, with RGE, FNC and G2 stomping their games. There were some doubts over the region's strength heading into Worlds after a summer split where 'nobody was winning', but the performance thus far seems to have silenced these doubts.

After sweeping G2 in the LEC finals, RGE were looking to continue their momentum in their first game of the tournament. They were facing DRX, who looked fantastic after topping their play-ins group despite being the LCK's 4th seed. This momentum was quickly stopped by a tree in the top lane pioneered by Odoamne, who was unkillable:

Next up was G2 vs EG. It was critical G2 bounced back after being stomped by DWG on day 1, but with EG putting up a great fight against JDG, perhaps EG could turnaround their 0-6 record against G2 from MSI.

By locking in Nidalee jungle and Sett mid, EG had to get ahead early and snowball else they'd get outscaled by G2's Sylas, Aphelios and Fiora. Aside from jojopyun acrewing a small CS lead, they failed to execute this plan as Inspired's Nidalee was only ahead by two camps and did not pull off any successful ganks.

The last EU victory was undoubtedly the most surprising, with FNC decimating the Korean monolith T1. They were able to get their potent Lucian/Nami bot lane ahead after a jungle invade went awry for T1:

FNC seized this advantage and never relented. The game quickly spiralled out of control in the solo lanes, with Humanoid and Upset outclassing their lane opponents and finishing with a collective 14 kills.

This was a statement victory by FNC, as they currently top group A at 2-0. Can they continue their incredible form and make it out of the group as the first seed?

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DWG and JDG Deliver an Absolute Banger

The day closed with DWG and JDG facing off, and it was by far the best game of the tournament. Expectations were high for this game with both teams vying for first place in the group, but nobody could have expected such a competitive game and ruthless pace.

There were exceptional outplays in every single team fight, with players limping away from fights on single digit health. The game started off with a bang as Canyon demonstrated masterful knowledge of the jungle. He predicted Kanavi's pathing to interrupt his back, helping set up his team for first blood:

DWG looked to propel their advantage by utilising Taliyah's roams, but this was matched by Yagao on Azir. A fantastic Emperor's Divide completely turned the fight around for JDG:

This was of a game of mirrors; both teams were matched in skill, coordination, and map plays, and the even gold difference throughout the game reflected that. The game was ultimately decided around the dragon pit, as JDG managed to come back from the brink of defeat:

If you weren't able to watch this game live, do yourself a favour and watch it immediately; you won't be disappointed.


While the LPL and LEC surged ahead, the LCK and LCS struggled and finished with a 0-5 record on the day. Will they be able to bounce back?

Highlight Play

It was difficult to choose just one clip from JDG vs DWG as a highlight, but this narrow escape from Hope using the Hextech Gates was jawdropping.

Having the nerve and finding the time to use the gate when surrounded by enemies was a stroke of genius. This ultimately decided the game, as Hope survived and could clean up in the final team fight.

Worlds continues tomorrow, with a critical matchup between FNC and EDG to determine the holder of first place in group A. The day closes with TOP facing DRX, and here's hoping this LPL vs LCK battle delivers just as much as today's did.