Unit Tier List 12.14

Even after the latest changes in TFT Patch 12.14, the strongest units remained mostly the same with one exception. Aurelion Sol overtook Ao Shin as one of the strongest units of the current patch due to the multiple buffs he received in the previous patches, making him a strong unit to build a composition around. Here are the best units in Patch 12.14 in TFT:

  • Aurelion Sol
  • Bard
  • Ornn
  • Yasuo

Aurelion Sol

Cost: 10 gold

Traits: Astral, Evoker, Dragon

Ability: Black Hole (active) - Aurelion Sol now summons an unstable black hole underneath a random enemy. After 2 seconds it implodes, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area and increasing their damage taken by 20% for 10 seconds. Black holes generated after 18 seconds of combat are larger and deal 15% more damage.

Damage: 375 / 625 / 5000

Aurelion Sol is arguably the best Dragon in the game in the current patch. His ability deals a lot of damage, allowing you to easily carry games if you have a couple of items for him to get going. One of the most contested compositions in the current patch of 6 Astral, 3 Mage uses him as the primary carry to take over games.


Cost: 5 gold

Traits: Guild, Bard, Mystic

Ability: Tempered Fate (active) - Bard sends magical energy toward the largest group of enemies, stunning them for a few seconds and causing them to take increased damage while stunned. If he hits at least 1 enemy, Bard dances in celebration.

Stun Duration: 1.25 / 2 / 15

Increased Damage: 15% / 20% / 9999%

Bard is a powerful 5-cost unit with a very strong ability that can give your units enough time to deliver devastating blows while your opponent's board is stunned. He is a core unit in two strong compositions in the current patch 3 Shimmerscale, 2 Cannoneer; 6 Astral, 3 Mage.


Cost: 4 gold

Traits: Tempest, Bruiser, Legend

Ability: Stampede (active) - Ornn summons an elemental that charges towards Ornn through the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for 2 seconds. When the elemental reaches Ornn, he redirects it towards another distant enemy, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and stunning them.

Damage: 150 / 250 / 1000

Stun Duration: 1.25 / 1.75 / 8

Ornn is one of the strongest front-line units in the current patch. He can soak a lot of damage while giving your backline time to deal with the opposing board. He has a powerful ability that slows attack speed and stuns targets hit. Due to his innate tankiness and powerful ability alongside a great combination of traits, he is present in one of the most powerful team compositions in the current patch: 6 Astral, 3 Mage.


Cost: 5 gold

Traits: Mirage, Dragonmancer, Warrior

Ability: Sweeping Blade (active) - Yasuo shields himself for 2 seconds and dashes through his target, slashing nearby enemies for a % of his Attack Damage. Every third cast, his slash deals 250% damage, hits a larger area and knocks up enemies for 1.5 seconds. If Yasuo hits only the last enemy left alive, he repeatedly slashes them until they die.

Percent of Attack Damage: 195% / 200% / 2000%

Shield Amount: 180 / 240 / 2500

Yasuo is a great unit to finish your build with. He has a powerful ability that allows him to deal a lot of damage and knock up enemies hit every couple of seconds. He works perfectly with a lot of powerful compositions due to his combination of traits. He is present in almost all strong compositions in the current patch due to his flexibility.