Team Composition Tier List 12.22

Team Composition Tier List 12.22

Patch 12.22 is the last patch of the set and so there were a lot of changes to promote diversity. The strongest compositions however remained the same as players have practiced them a lot in the last patches which didn't have that many changes preparing for the world championship patch.

  • 6 Darkflight, 4 Assassin
  • 6 Lagoon, 3 Mage
  • 4 Dragon, 3 Monolith
  • 7 Mage, 3 Astral
  • 6 Guild, 4 Mirage

6 Darkflight, 4 Assassin

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Key units: Rengar, Swain

Key items: Tear of the Goddess, Negatron Cloak, B.F. Sword, and Brawler's Gloves  (aim to create Hand of Justice, Runnan's Hurricane, and Infinity Edge)

Key augments: Darkflight Crown, Darkflight Crest

This composition is the strongest build in the game with Rengar as the primary carry. Most units are cheap with only Nilah and Swain costing 4 gold. Building towards it is quite simple from the get-go and you can use other cheap units as the item holders until you encounter your Rengar.

Once you have Rengar, funnel all the powerful items onto him and watch him demolish the opposing backline with ease. If he gets locked down by some opponents, look into changing your positioning so that he can the carry he needs to be to win you the match.

6 Lagoon, 3 Mage

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Key units: Sylas, Sohm

Key items: Tear of the Goddess, B.F. Sword, Sparring Gloves, Needlessly Large Rod (aim to create Blue Buff, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Infinity Edge)

Key augments: Mage Crown, Mage Crest

This composition focuses on using the powerful economy trait of Lagoon and getting a powerful backline carry in Sohm who will take over the game while also filling up your composition with other strong units such as Bard and Zoe.

During the carousel, try to pick up Tear of the Goddess to build towards a Blue Buff as soon as possible and then use it on an unit who can spam abilities to get loot from the lagoon trait. Once you have Sohm, move the items on him and watch him demolish your opponents. The main tactic used is 'Standard' for this composition, ensuring a healthy balance between levels and scouting for units to upgrade them to a higher tier.

4 Dragon, 3 Monolith

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Key units: Terra, Ao Shin

Key items: Negatron Cloak, Needlessly Large Rod, Tear of the Goddess, B.F. Sword  (aim to create Ionic Spark, Hextech Gunblade, and Archangel's Staff)

Key augments: Age of Dragons, Guardian Crown

This composition is focused on stacking up Dragons with Terra as the core frontline and Ao Shin as the core damage-dealing threat. The Monolith trait when activated will give an 18 percent damage reduction to 3 hexes, making your already hard-to-kill Dragons even harder to kill.

Your main priority with this composition is picking up required item components and strong early game units to quickly transition into your comp which requires a lot of expensive units. The main tactic used is 'Fast 8' for this composition, with the aim to reach level 8 in early stage 4 to pick up the 4 and 5 cost units before your opponents and funnel your items onto them.

7 Mage, 3 Astral

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Key units: Nomsy, Sylas

Key items: Tear of the Goddess, B.F. Sword, Sparring Gloves, Needlessly Large Rod (aim to create Blue Buff, Hextech Gunblade, and Spear of Shojin)

Key augments: Mage Crown, Mage Crest

This composition works out great with Nomsy as the primary carry in the backline. She will devastate your opponent's board with the proper items while the opposing units will be busy dealing with your strong frontline.

Aim to pick up the required item components to build Blue Buff to empower your Nomsy once you pick her up. Until then, use the items on any carry you encounter in your shop or the carousel. The main tactic used is 'Slow roll' for this composition, with the aim of rolling all excess gold to get 3-star units by level 7.

6 Guild, 4 Mirage

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Key units: Zippy, Daeja

Key items: Recurve Bow, Needlessly Large Rod, B.F. Sword, and Chain Vest  (aim to create Guinsoo's Rageblade, Giant Slayer, and Titan's Resolve)

Key augments: Guild Crown, Guild Crest

This composition focuses on stacking Guild and Mirage units to build a powerful composition with Daeja and Zippy as carries. Both of these units are able to take down the opposing board if upgraded and are stacked with good items.

Aim to pick up the cheap units in Twitch and Leona early on and then build towards your core items. As soon as you level up, try to fish for Nunu and Zippy before you pick up Jayce and Daeja to round up the composition. The main tactic used is 'Standard' for this composition, ensuring a healthy balance between levels and scouting for units to upgrade them to a higher tier.

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