Team Composition Tier List 12.13

Team Composition Tier List 12.13

Patch 12.13 in TFT has a lot of changes for both units and traits, diversifying the meta a couple of weeks into the current set. While the meta isn't solved yet and players are still experimenting with what works best, Riot has identified a couple of outliers that were being picked by everyone.

  • 4 Tempest, 3 Mage
  • 3 Guild, 3 Ragewing
  • 4 Assassin, 4 Bruiser
  • 5 Revel, 4 Mirage
  • 3 Astral, 3 Guild

4 Tempest, 3 Mage

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Key units: Ao Shin, Sylas, Ornn

Key items: B.F. Sword, Tear of the Goddess, Needlessly Large Rod
(aim to create Archangel's Staff, Spear of Shojin, and Hextech Gunblade)

Key augments: Mage Crown, Mage Conference

This composition focuses on building a strong economy early on and focusing on picking up the required items your carry later on which will be Ao Shin in most of your games. He has a devastating ability that can destroy entire boards with ease and so building towards him is your primary goal while also adding up traits to give him more time to unleash his ability.

The plan early on should be on just picking up the item components listed above and funnel them onto a low-cost unit that you encounter in the carousel or shop before you are able to access your higher-cost key units. The main tactic used is 'Fast 8' for this composition, with the aim to reach level 8 in early stage 4 to pick up the 4 and 5 cost units before your opponents and funnel your items onto them.

3 Guild, 3 Ragewing

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Key units: Talon, Xayah

Key items: Sparring Gloves, B.F. Sword, Recurve Bow, Needlessly Large Rod (aim to create Guinsoo's Rageblade, Giant Slayer, and Quicksilver)

Key augments: Guild Crown, Guild Crest

This composition gives you access to two powerful carries who are augmented by the various combination of traits included. While Xayah will be doing a lot of damage from the backline, Talon will jump to the opposing backline and demolish the opponent's carries if they are not protected.

During the carousel, try to pick up the required item components for Guinsoo which is your must-have item in this composition to enable Xayah. Afterward, start building the other core items while rolling for the key units.  The main tactic used is 'Fast 8' for this composition in order to Xayah and Talon before your opponents do.

4 Assassin, 4 Bruiser

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Key units: Olaf, Talon

Key items: Spatula, Sparring Gloves, B.F. Sword, Negatron Cloak  (aim to create Assassin Emblem, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster)

Key augments: Assassin Crown, Assassin Crest

The Assassins pair up nicely with Bruisers since while they jump into the opposing backline to demolish their carries, your Bruisers will hold them for a long time due to the bonus health they'll receive from the trait.

Your main priority with this composition is picking up Olaf and leveling him up as soon as possible while also trying to complete the Assassin Emblem to put it on Olaf. With the Assassin trait available to Olaf, he will jump to the backline at the start of combat and dismantle the backline with ease. The main tactic used is 'Slow roll' for this composition, with the aim of rolling all excess gold to get 3-star units by level 7.

5 Revel, 4 Mirage

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Key units: Daeja, Sona

Key items: Negatron Cloak, Needlessly Large Rod, Recurve Bow, Sparring Gloves (aim to create Guinsoo's Rageblade and Quicksilver)

Key augments: Revel Crown, Mirage Crown

This composition works out perfectly if you get a Revel Emblem to use on Daeja. With it and the proper items, he can become unstoppable, and even if he gets targeted by your opponents, you still have other units to back him up with your powerful 5 Revel trait.

Aim to pick up the required item components to build Guinsoo's Rageblade and Quicksilver to empower your Daeja once you pick him up. Until then, use the items on any carry you encounter in your shop or the carousel. The main tactic used is 'Standard' for this composition, ensuring a healthy balance between levels and scouting for units to upgrade them to a higher tier.

3 Astral, 3 Guild

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Key units: Varus, Illaoi

Key items: Negatron Cloak, B.F. Sword, Recurve Bow, Needlessly Large Rod (aim to create Guinsoo's Rageblade, Deathblade, and Runaan's Hurricane)

Key augments: Guild Crown, Guild Crest

This is a pretty easy composition to play due to the number of low-cost units it requires. The only high-cost unit to round up the composition is Bard, but otherwise all cost 2 or 3 gold.

Aim to pick up Varus and Illaoi as soon as possible since they're your primary backline and frontline. Funnel the key items onto Varus and watch him as he demolishes the opposing board without issues. The main tactic used is 'Slow roll' for this composition, with the aim of rolling all excess gold to get 3-star units by level 7.

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