Pro Play By Play - Rogue vs G2

In the first game of the LEC finals, Rogue kicked off their series with a fantastic team fight around the dragon pit. They used this momentum to take firm control of the game and begin their 3-0 dominance; let's break down how they did it.

The Play

State of the Game

The fight breaks out just as the second drake is being taken by G2. Rogue have taken an early lead in the game with a 2k gold lead after getting ahead in CS and securing some early kills.

G2's comp has a ton of engage tools between their Jarvan, Ahri and Renata, which they can use to lock down Rogue's slippery LeBlanc and Kalista. Rogue can have huge advantages in extended team fights if their Soraka survives and Kalista can rack up Rend stacks.

Soraka's Silence

The fight kicks off with Trundle (Malrang) attempting to steal the drake away from G2. Jarvan (Jankos) tries to stop this by using his ultimate to lock the Trundle in the pit, but Trundle still gets close enough to pull off the Smite steal:

Trundle now finds himself in a 1v3 against Jarvan, Renata Glasc (Targamas) and Ahri (caPs). However, the Soraka ambulance comes in clutch as Trymbi flashes in to save his jungler with Soraka's W. He also places a phenomenal Soraka E to silence Ahri, preventing her from ulting to escape from the Trundle:

This buys enough time for LeBlanc (Larssen) to join the fight and finish off the Ahri, who still had 2 ult charges up when she died. Not only does the silence help take down Ahri, but it also roots Jarvan when it expires. This sets up an easy knock-up for Ornn, who has joined the fight from the mid lane:

A Clutch Save

G2 attempt to turn the fight after Renata lands a 3 man ult and saves Jarvan's life with Bail Out, as he finishes off the low health Trundle. By this time, Gwen (BrokenBlade) has completed the teleport and quickly turns onto the Soraka:

However, Soraka is saved by her ADC Kalista (Comp) who has made it all the way from base to join the fight. Kalista and Soraka move to either side of the river wall, getting in range for Kalista to ult Soraka to safety:

This was a beautiful save that required exceptional co-ordination and communication to pull off, and it undoubtedly secured the victory for Rogue.

Not only does the Kalista ult save the Soraka from the Gwen, but it's also used to knock-up 3 members of G2 and set up an easy chain CC for Ornn, finishing off G2's health bars:


This was a fantastic fight from Rogue, who went on to stomp G2 for the rest of the game off the back of this team fight. Trymbi was the clear MVP of the fight, flashing in to save Malrang, escaping the Gwen (with a sensational ult from Comp), then knocking up 3 G2 members to clean up the fight.

Whoever said enchanters couldn't carry?