Power Picks - Patch 12.22

Now that the Preseason changes have had some time to settle, let's take a look at some of the best picks on the patch.
Tanks & Enchanters
It's clear tanks have benefitted the most from the Preseason changes. Heartsteel is dominating the Rift with its infinite scaling, allowing tanks to pack a punch while absorbing a ton of damage.
Given most tanks are played in the top lane, they're also benefitting from the increased experience granted to solo laners. This helps with their scaling, and makes split pushing in the later stages of a game even more viable.
With tanks running wild, enchanters have increased in value. Champions like Janna, Lulu and Soraka can keep these beefy front lines away with their peel tools, and use their healing to survive the sustained damage.

Ravenous Hydra
Just like Heartsteel, Ravenous Hydra has emerged as a broken item during the Preseason. Its mini rework has made the AoE cleave more consistent, while the new stacking healing can be maxed out pretty quickly.
The item is a little feast-or-famine as you lose half your stacks on death, but considering you gain stacks from minions, monsters and champions, you can easily regain your lost stacks. It can also be purchased in a variety of roles, and has even seen some play in the bot lane from champions like Samira and Nilah.

Despite not receiving any direct changes in Preseason, Hecarim remains as one of the best junglers on the patch. He's still a hyper mobile carry with effective ganks in the early game and a devastating ult during team fights.
Hecarim has also benefitted from the new Gustwalker Hatchling, granting him bonus movement speed after entering brushes and killing monsters. This helps even more with Hecarim's mobility, gank pressure, and increases the AD gained from his passive.

Fiora has become an absolute menace in the side lanes. She is able to benefit from the bonus solo lane experience and split push to victory, taking full advantage of Ravenous Hydra and Spear of Shojin. Between these two items, she is lifestealing absurd amounts and is near impossible to lock down before she can dash away.