Power Picks - Patch 12.21

With the end of the season just days away, here are some of the best picks to help you on that final climb.
Even though she received nerfs to her E cooldown and Void Remora health, Bel'Veth hasn't been affected too much. Her clear speed is great, allowing her to ramp up attack speed quickly, and she has great snowball potential.
If she can take an early Rift Herald and unlock her true form, she can combine this with the Herald to push lanes extremely effectively. It's very difficult for enemies to deal with so much turret pressure in the early game, and can help get your laners ahead.

Now that players have adjusted to Syndra's rework, she's emerged as a very strong mid laner. Her abilities become amplified over time, and her ult packs a real punch in the late game.
Considering you get passive stacks from landing 2 abilities within a couple seconds, First Strike has become her best keystone. This increases the damage of her combos you'll be frequently landing, and generates bonus gold from these combos.

Despite another round of nerfs, Blitzcrank is still one of the best supports on the patch. As long as you can land his hook, he has extra damage to blow up enemies in the early game and get your ADC snowballing.
Rushing mobis synergises really well with your W, giving you a burst of movement speed to catch up to enemies. It also allows you to start roaming around the map and using your hook to make picks in other lanes.

Multiple enchanters have been nerfed over the last few patches, like Yuumi, Lulu and Nami. Janna has managed to avoid any nerfs despite being an excellent pick, becoming even stronger since other enchanters have been nerfed around her.
Ever since her rework, she offers a ton of CC and utility by running Glacial Augment. Between her Q, ult, and Glacial Augment, she can displace enemies and provide a ton of peel for her allies. The duration of the Glacial Augment rays scale with heal/shield power, which Janna gains from her E passive and Moonstone Renewer.