Power Picks - Patch 12.18

Power Picks - Patch 12.18

Now that the changes from the latest patch have had time to settle, let's take a look at some of the best champions on the Rift.

Hecarim & Miss Fortune

Despite being nerfed in 12.18, Hecarim and Miss Fortune are still premier picks in their respective roles. Hecarim is a powerhouse in the jungle, shredding through enemies with Divine Sunderer and Manamune, while Miss Fortune procs Kraken Slayer and PTA rapidly thanks to the attack speed from her W.

Both of these picks are still first pick/ban worthy, and are likely to be a constant at Worlds.

Caitlyn & Kai'Sa

Elsewhere in the bot lane, Caitlyn and Kai'Sa are excellent picks alongside Miss Fortune. Both have received small buffs over the last few patches while other strong ADCs have been nerfed (like Sivir and Zeri).

In 12.16, Caitlyn's Q damage was buffed and her ult damage now scales with critical strike chance. This makes her ult even dangerous against low health enemies, particularly when paired with The Collector. Caitlyn excels when paired with an aggressive enchanter (such as Karma/Nami) or an engage support that Caitlyn can chain CC with by using her traps.

Kai'Sa's AP ratios and passive damage were also buffed in 12.16. Although her AD build is superior, you have the option of maxing W and building AP if your team desperately needs AP damage. She is particularly strong against agile ADCs, matching their mobility with her E and diving on them using her ultimate.


Rek'Sai has been sneaking under the radar as a very potent jungler. She has a pretty good clear speed and fantastic ganks, using her flash/unburrow as an extremely consistent and threatening engage.

Her Lethality build with Prowler's Claw and Edge Of Night means she spikes early and can snowball quickly off the back of a strong early game. The extra dash from Prowler's Claw also means she can access backline threats much easier in the mid/late game.

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