Patch Overview 12.23

Patch 12.23 brings the long-awaited Monsters Attack! set. New units, traits, and hextech augments await everyone in the first patch of the set.
New ranked season
Everyone is reset to Iron II in the new ranked season of Monsters Attack! You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You'll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4.
Hyper rating will be reset to 500 for everyone while Double Up will now use the metallic ranked system with the starting point being in Iron II.
Rewards for the previous set
Ranked rewards for the previous set will be handed out in the next patch instead of 12.23. Everyone who reached Gold or higher in Uncharted Realms (the second half of Dragonlands) will get a celebratory emote to represent their rank.

If you placed Gold or higher at any stage of the set, then you'll get the Victorious Craggle Little Legend. And if you manage to get Gold or higher during both halves of the set, you’ll get Triumphant Craggle as well!

Double Up and Hyper Roll players who finished Green or higher will also receive emote rewards to represent their achievements.
- All champions have two Hero Augments. One is more carry oriented, while the other is more supportive.
- All players are offered a Hero Augment at the same time during one of the three Augment Armories (2-1, 3-2, 4-2). Each player is offered Hero Augments of the same cost bucket.
- There is a 5 percent chance that a game will not feature a Hero Augment
- 2-1 Armories can only offer Hero Augments for 1 and 2-cost units OR 2 and 3-cost units
- 3-2 Armories can only offer Hero Augments for 2 and 3-cost units OR 3 and 4-cost units
- 4-2 Armories can only offer Hero Augments for 3 and 4-cost units OR 4 and 5-cost units
- Hero Augments will be semi-tailored for your boards, meaning you’ll get some fairly intuitive choices to fit the comp you already have.
- There are 118 Hero Augments.
- In addition to the 118 new Hero Augments, Riot is bringing back over 100 Augments from past sets, as well as 63 Heart, Crown, Crest, and Soul Augments for the new traits.
Item Anvils
Dragonland’s Treasure Dragon was a huge improvement over Raptors, which had the chance to offer random items that weren’t useful for a comp you’d already committed to and so in Monsters Attack! Riot is introducing the Item Anvil to provide a similar opportunity, which is better tailored to more situations:
- Item Anvils will drop starting with the Stage 4-7 PVE encounter with a component Anvil, which will give you the opportunity to choose from one of three item components.
- Further Completed Item Anvils will drop with PVE encounters in Stage 5-7 and 6-7 which will allow you to choose one of five completed items.
- PVE Boss encounters occur starting Stage 5-7. These can be encounters with Aurelion Sol, Urgot, or Zac. These encounters will always drop a Completed Item Anvil or more (below).
- Bosses have a small chance to drop Tome of Traits as well as Completed Item Anvils.
- Bosses have an even smaller chance to drop Enhanced Item Anvils that will allow you to choose from one of five Ornn items instead of standard completed items.
Item systems
- Physical spells now work like Magic spells. They can no longer be dodged or missed, but they also can’t crit without something like a Jeweled Gauntlet that allows your spells to crit.
- Critical Strike Chance over 100% now converts into bonus Critical Strike Damage at a 2:1 ratio.
- Grievous Wounds reduced healing: 50% ⇒ 30%
- Item power has been lowered while champion base power has gone up. Expect to see more about this in the Items section.
- Attack Damage bonuses have all been changed from flat bonuses (+10) to percent bonuses (+10%). This percent bonus scales off a unit’s base Attack Damage and does not scale with other sources of Attack Damage.