Patch 12.21 Overview

Patch 12.21 Overview

The end of the season is just around the corner, and the latest patch introduces some minor tweaks to the Rift; let's break down the biggest talking points.

Remake Update

The remake function has been rather clunky ever since it was introduced. You could only remake from 3:00, which gave your AFK ally enough time to reconnect to the game but be at a huge disadvantage.

From now on, you can /remake from the 1:30 mark to cancel a game much quicker and preserve your precious LP. You'll always have a minimum of 30 seconds to remake if the conditions are met, meaning you can remake at 3:29 if the remake conditions were met at 2:59. This gives teams a lot more power and control over the remake function.

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune continues to be a solid choice in the bot lane, so she's received a couple adjustments to shift her power from her AD build into AP:

  • E (Make It Rain)  - damage increased to 70/100/130/160/190 (+120% AP), up from +100% AP
  • Slow decreased to 40% (+6% per 100 AP), down from 50% (+4% per 100 AP)
  • Ultimate (Bullet Time) - 75% AD + 25% AP, up from +20% AP

These changes are a little surprising, as her AP build was nerfed several patches ago given how oppressive and frustrating it was to play against in lane. Even though the E slow is slightly lower, the increased AP ratios on her E and R may bring AP Miss Fortune back.

Mid Lane

A couple of mid laners have received small buffs. Ahri's Q has had its damage increased and mana cost decreased:

  • Q (Orb of Deception) - mana cost reduced to 55/65/75/85/95, down from 60/70/80/90/100
  • Pass-through damage increased to 40/65/90/115/140 (+45% AP), up from +40% AP

This is primarily a buff to her wave clear, allowing her to clear waves more often and more effectively. Next, Malzahar has recieved a huge quality of life buff:

  • E (Maelfic Visions) - Malefic Visions will now execute minions below 15 - 45 health (levels 1-11)

Just missing out on a minion kill with Malzahar's E was incredibly frustrating and limited his poke and wave clear in the early game. This buff makes last hitting much easier and simpler. The last mid laner to be buffed is Corki, who has received buffs to his scaling:

  • Health growth increased to 105, up from 101
  • AD growth increased to 2.8, up from 2.5


Lastly, Blitzcrank has received a round of nerfs after the recent changes intending to make him a jungler made him way too strong in support:

  • Base health reduced to 633, down from 653
  • Base magic resist reduced to 28, down from 32
  • W (Overdrive) - bonus attack speed reduced to 30/43/56/69/82%, down from 40/53/66/79/92

This makes Blitzcrank much squishier in the early game, and limits how much damage he can output when he lands a hook.


With Preseason just around the corner, this patch 12.21 focuses on minor adjustments to ensure the meta isn't too disrupted for the end of the season; best of luck in your final climb!

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