Patch 12.19 Overview

Now that Worlds patch is underway and preseason is on the horizon, Riot can be a little more experimental with their balance changes. 12.19 fcouses on buffing unconventional and off-meta builds, so let's go over the biggest talking points.
Bot Lane
Despite being in a stable spot after receiving buffs in 12.16, Kai'Sa has been buffed again with an increase to her passive damage:
- Passive (Second Skin) - 5th stack proc damage increased to 15% (+6% per 100 AP) of target's missing health, up from (+5% per 100 AP).
This is another buff to her AP ratios, which may bring her back into the mid lane sniping enemies with W spam. Even in the bot lane, proccing all 5 stacks of her passive is more important and picking up an AP item like Nashor's Tooth has become more valuable.
Twitch has also received a buff to his AP ratios. Despite the power of rushing Blade of the Ruined King, AP Twitch has been a strong pick by whittling away at enemies with his passive. This build will now be more viable:
- Passive (Deadly Venom) - damage per stack increased to 1/2/3/4/5 (based on level) (+3% AP), up from (+2.5% AP)
- E (Contaminate) - magic damage per stack increased to 35/50/65/80/95 (+35% bonus AD) (+35% AP), up from (+ 33% AP)
Elsewhere, Jinx has fallen out of the meta over the last few months so has received some damage buffs:
- Base AD increased to 59, up from 57
- Ultimate (Super Mega Death Rocket) - base damage to primary increased to 300/450/600, up from 250/400/550
This gives her a little more strength in the laning phase and a higher chance of securing huge resets with her ult.

Master Yi has been an extremely effective pick ever since his mid-scope update, with reset potential, high damage output, and incredible sustain. Consequently, his damge has been nerfed to make him a little more manageable in the late game:
- Base AD growth reduced to 2.2, down from 2.5
- E (Wuju Style) - bonus true damage reduced to 30/35/40/45/50 (+30% bonus AD), down from (+35% bonus AD)
Rek'Sai is another jungler that's been thriving, particularly with her strong ganks in the early game. Her base AD has been reduced to help limit her early snowball potential:
- Base AD reduced to 61, down from 64
Blitzcrank has received a surprising set of buffs to push him into the jungle. The buffs primarily make it possible for him to clear the jungle with an AD build:
- W (Overdrive) - bonus attack speed increased to 40/53/66/79/92%, up from 30/38/46/54/62
- New effect - attacks while W is active deal an additional 1% of target’s maximum HP in magic damage. Against non-champions, this damage is increased by an extra 60-180 damage (based on level)
- E (Power Fist) - new effect - against non-champions, Blitzcrank’s E empowered auto attacks deal a bonus 150% total AD (+ 125% AP) damage
- Ultimate - passive stacks can now be unlimited, up from 3 max
Blitzcrank's infamous hook into knock up combo means he will undoubtedly be an excellent ganker. The question is whether these buffs are enough for him to clear the jungle and have a meaningful impact on the game with such a one-dimensional kit.

Top Lane
Finally, some classic top laners have been buffed. Even though Malphite is primarily played as a tanky ult bot, he can one shot squishys with an AP build. This has been buffed to make it more viable:
- W (Thunderclap) - cone AoE physical damage increased to 15/25/35/45/55 (+30% AP) (+15% armor), up from (+20% AP)
- Ultimate (Unstoppable Force) - damage increased to 200/300/400 (+90% AP), up from (+80% AP)
Meanwhile, Nasus has always struggled in higher elos when teams are able to kite and render him useless. He's received several buffs focused on helping Nasus actually reach his targets:
- Q (Siphoning Strike) - empowered basic attack range increased to 175 (50 bonus range), up from 150 (25 bonus range)
- W (Wither) - attack speed slow increased to 75% of movement speed slow (new attack speed slow values: 35.25/44.25/53.25/62.25/71.25%), up from 50% of movement speed slow (23.5/29.5/35.5/41.5/47.5%)
- Ultimate (Fury of the Sands) - bonus size increased to 30/35/40% Size (levels 6/11/16), up from 30%
- Damage tick rate increased to every 0.5 seconds, up from 1 second
- New effect - AoE radius of Nasus’ damage now increases based on his size
These buffs are primarily focused on Nasus's late game when enemies have more tools to kite with. Nasus will now be able to damage more enemies with his ultimate and utilise the bonus attack range from his Q for empowered auto attacks.

There are many more buffs to off-meta builds in 12.19, to be sure to read the patch notes in full. These buffs are very experimental and it's unlikely all of them will have a drastic shift on the best build for a champion, though one or two may be influential so watch this space!