How to Build a Proper TFT Composition

How to Build a Proper TFT Composition

If you intend to climb through the ranks, mastering the way to build a proper TFT composition should be on your goal list. Every TFT game is different and you will be presented with various choices to complement or enhance your build via units, items, or augments, therefore understanding how to use them properly is a key skill that can boost your ranking if mastered.

General game plan

Before you enter a TFT game, take a look at the meta and the strong compositions which have a high chance of a top-four finish. Aim for 2 to 3 compositions that do not require complex decisions and are pretty straightforward, requiring you to pick up 1 or 2 key units.

One good idea to keep in mind when starting to learn how to build a proper TFT composition is to aim for simple compositions which have 1 main trait and then 1 complementary trait for that composition to make it easier for you to build it. If you start building complex compositions that have more than 2 traits, you might get lost and end up losing most of your games due to collecting too many things at the same time.

Item components

Every composition usually has one carry who will dish out most of the damage from a safe position. To enhance them, it's important to have the completed items which you need to build in every game to make them unstoppable, while also leaving room for optional items to counter certain compositions. As with units, try to keep the number of items you want to build a maximum amount of 5 since you'll get overwhelmed and end up with many wasted item components on the bench if you try to build too many items.

Aim to pick up the required item components to finish an item from the carousel and adjust the items you want to build based on the components you currently have. If you have a B.F. Sword attached to your carry, try to pick up Sparring Gloves, Negatron Cloak, or another B.F. Sword during the next carousel round to create a powerful item that will enhance your carry. Keep your options open and don't limit yourself only to 1 option since your opponents might take away the item component you had your mind on and then you'll end with a suboptimal item component that won't be useful.


The current set mechanic of augments is straightforward and can enhance your composition in multiple ways by giving you additional damage, an emblem to increase the number of units with a certain trait, or other powerful effects. It's important to note down 3 options that you'd want to prioritize for the compositions which you aim for and pick them if given the option. If you don't see them, try to pick the simplest options which simply give you additional damage.


Two players with the same units and items can have two completely different results if one understands how to position their board properly. While every composition has its own specifics, positioning can be pinned down to a couple of basics that you can use in every match:

  • Put your frontline units in the first rows so that they can reach your enemies quicker and keep them occupied while your carries do damage
  • Put your main carry in the last row near an edge and protect them with units on each hex near them to avoid giving the opposing units a chance to sneak on them
  • Put a filler unit on the opposite side of the board where you'll be holding your main carry to act as bait for important item effects or abilities

Keep in mind what effects your opponents have since in some matches it might be better to have your frontline have some distance between each other to avoid a lot of AoE damage or CC effects. Also keep in mind if someone has the Zephyr item, which removes a unit on the opposing side of the board for 5 seconds since a properly placed Zephyr unit can nullify your composition's power with ease.

End note

While you might get the perfect build composed of the desired units, item components, and augments, not every game is the same. You could end up with one match in the first place and the next match in the last place. It's important to keep trying using the same tactics until you master all aspects of building a proper composition and then you'll see the fruit of your labor.

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