Halo Infinite Weapon Tier List

Halo Infinite Season 2 is approaching and players are excited to try out all of the new content. Like most other arena shooters, there is a “meta’ when it comes to weapons and if you want to get a competitive advantage, you should check out this tier list. Do note that your level of comfort with specific weapons also matters and you should choose what suits your playstyle instead of forcing yourself to play the meta.
These are the weapons that offer the most consistent results and rarely disappoint in any situation.
Energy Sword
The Energy Sword is one of the best picks in maps that have a lot of closed-quarters combat. Pair the Energy Sword with a Grapple Shot and you will be able to take enemies out with ease.
- Type: Sword
- Ammo Type: Plasma
- Energy: 100%
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: No
Tip: Once the energy meter of the Energy Sword reaches zero, the sword won’t be able to one-hit opponents anymore
BR75 Battle Rifle
The good old Battle Rifle is arguably the most reliable weapon in all of the Halo franchise. It has incredible accuracy in both hipfire and when aiming down sights. If you are someone with really good mechanical skills, consider picking the weapon up as headshots with it can be very deadly in duels.
- Type: Battle Rifle
- Ammo Type: Kinetic
- Magazine: 36/108
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes, it has a unique scope.
Tip: The BR75 is the starting weapon when you play Ranked Arena matches.
M41 Spnkr
If you want to deal with pesky vehicles, nothing beats the M41 Spnkr. The rocket launcher is lethal at any range and just one rocket is enough to send a player back to spawn.
- Type: Rocket Launcher
- Ammo Type: Explosive
- Magazine: 02/02
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: You can use the M41 SPNKR’s zoom to shoot walls and floors and the explosion radius will ensure you deal damage to enemies.
S7 Sniper
The S7 Sniper has remained the number one long-range rifle across multiple Halo titles. You can go for a clean headshot or two quick body shots to eliminate enemies in a split second.
- Type: Sniper
- Ammo Type: Kinetic
- Magazine: 04/04
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes, twice
Tip: If you miss a shot you can immediately shoot again after adjusting your aim because the sniper has very little recoil.
While these weapons might not be in the same power level as S-tier options, they are still amazing and can be lethal in the right hands.
M40 AR
The M40 has maintained a bad reputation over the years for being a mediocre weapon. But players are slowly changing their opinion as Halo Infinite finally does justice to the weapon by giving it high DPS to compete with other options.
- Type: Assault Rifle
- Ammo Type: Kinetic
- Magazine: 36/108
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: While the bullets don’t drop on the M40, the recoil at long distances makes it important for you to get closer to your enemies.
Gravity Hammer
The Gravity Hammer has an insanely slow attack animation but anyone foolish enough to walk into it gets path will get destroyed. It is not a recommended weapon in open maps but if you have smaller spaces to work with, it can be a potent weapon.
- Type: Hammer
- Ammo Type: Electromagnetic Energy
- Energy: 100%
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: No
Tip: The Gravity Hammer can be used to destroy the Ghost or Mongoose with a single hit.
CQS48 Bulldog
As long as you have decent aim with shotguns, the Bulldog can take any player out with just three quick shots. If you are playing a closed-quarters map, it should be one of the first weapons that come to mind.
- Type: Shotgun
- Ammo Type: Kinetic
- Magazine: 07/07
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: Hold down the trigger of the Bulldog when between shots because the recoil will make you aim higher than usual.
The Cindershot is one of the best crowd control weapons thanks to the bouncing grenade rounds. It can be difficult to use but once you get used to the trajectory, you can secure some unbelievable kills on any map.
- Type: Grenade Launcher
- Ammo Type: Hardlight
- Magazine: 06/06
- Secondary Shot: Yes (controlled shot)
- Zoom: Yes, but it modifies the grenade course
Tip: The grenades bounce even when you control your shot and you should adjust your aim for the bounce at all times.
B-Tier weapons are simply put, average. They offer nothing special but you will not regret picking one up either as they can get the job done just fine.
Sentinel Beam
If you have solid tracking, the Sentinel Beam can be potent. But the high recoil takes away from the usability of the weapon and it burns through ammo too quickly.
- Type: Directed Energy Weapon
- Ammo Type: Hardlight
- Magazine: 250/250
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: The weapon can be used to destroy smaller vehicles like the Mongoose, Wasp, and Ghost in a matter of seconds.
Shock Rifle
The Shock Rifle is a mediocre replacement for the S7 Sniper. You can secure headshot kills with the weapon but if you miss and land a body shot, the damage is just too poor. The shock effect leaves a lot to be desired and you are better off using the S7 in basically all situations.
- Type: Directed Energy Weapon
- Ammo Type: Hardlight
- Magazine: 250/250
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: If you have access to a Threat sensor, you can create a chain effect by shooting the Shock Rifle at enemies and damage multiple targets at once.
MK50 Sidekick
It is the classic pistol almost every popular shooter has. It can deal a lot of damage to unshielded targets and if you pair it with the right weapon, it is a decent option even in ranged combat.
- Type: Pistol
- Ammo Type: Kinetic
- Magazine: 12/36
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: The MK50 has the Quickdraw mechanic which allows you to swap weapons much faster to finish enemies off.
While the Heatwave can do a ton of damage, it is very easy to miss with the weapon due to fewer pellets being present in each shot.
- Type: Shotgun-like Projector
- Ammo Type: Hardlight
- Magazine: 08/08
- Secondary Shot: Yes
- Zoom: No
Tip: Be careful about the bouncing mechanic as you can damage yourself using the weapon recklessly.
The Mangler hand cannon is accurate in close to medium range and it can be a potent option if you have a solid aim. The bullet drop can make the weapon feel useless if enemies stay away from the weapon’s effective range.
- Type: Revolver
- Ammo Type: Kinetic
- Magazine: 08/08
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: It is worth putting in time with the weapon as you can kill enemies with just two body shots and a headshot if you are accurate.
The Skewer can pull off one shot kills but you need to be very mindful of your surroundings. Every shot counts with the Skewer as you get only one shot per magazine and a very long reload animation to make things worse.
- Type: Anti-Tank Launcher
- Ammo Type: Kinetic (Spikes)
- Magazine: 01/03
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes, it has a unique scope.
Tip: You may want to adjust your sensitivity when using the weapon extensively as its default movement speed and added weight can throw off your aim.
The Needler is a needle gun as the name suggests. In close-quarters combat, the weapon can be potent if you manage to burst down your opponent. But it can be very difficult to track as it suffers from drop-off at longer ranges.
- Type: Guided Munitions Launcher
- Ammo Type: Plasma
- Magazine: 26/26
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: Focus on a single target when using the Needler because your opponents will get an opportunity to recharge shields if you do not apply constant pressure with the weapon.
Weapons in C-tier are inherently flawed as they are either unreliable or do too little damage compared to other options.
The Disruptor is a smaller version of the shock rifle with a higher fire rate but lower damage per shot, making it very inconsistent.
- Type: Pistol
- Ammo Type: Shock
- Magazine: 10/30
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: You can hold down the trigger to rapid-fire your bullets. Since there is minimal recoil on the weapon, you do not have to worry much about missing your shots.
The Hydra Rocket Launcher has a lock-in feature which sounds amazing on paper but they can be easily evaded, making the tracking feature very inconsistent against good players.
- Type: Kinetic
- Ammo Type: Explosive
- Magazine: 06/12
- Secondary Shot: Yes
- Zoom: No
Tip: Like other large explosive weapons, you can shoot walls and floors to damage enemies you cannot see directly.
Stalker Rifle
The Beam Rifle is replaced by the Stalker in Halo Infinite. It is a semi-auto sniper with a high fire rate but very underwhelming DPS output.
- Type: Rifle
- Ammo Type: Plasma
- Energy: 100%
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes, twice, and it has a unique scope.
Tip: The Stalker Rifle can overheat and you should reload your weapon whenever you get a safe opportunity.
VK78 Commando
The weapon is meant to be a semi-auto precision rifle but the recoil is just too harsh to get consecutive headshots with it.
- Type: Rifle
- Ammo Type: Kinetic
- Magazine: 20/60
- Secondary Shot: No
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: Despite being a weapon with zoom capabilities, it is lethal at close range and you can weave in melee attacks to finish enemies off quickly.
D-Tier weapons actively work against the player and put you at a disadvantage. Use these only for fun if you want to.
Plasma Pistol
The Plasma Pistol’s tracking has been nerfed to the ground in Halo Infinite before being added to the game. Unlike previous games, the weapon is just too inconsistent to warrant use in any loadout.
- Type: Pistol
- Ammo Type: Plasma
- Energy: 100%
- Secondary Shot: Yes
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: Like the Ravager, you should use the Plasma Pistol only to take down shields. Once your opponent’s shields are depleted, you should switch to a different weapon to finish them off.
Pulse Carbine
The projectiles on this weapon are just too slow and players can simply outrun the bullets, which makes the weapon feel like a joke.
- Type: Launcher
- Ammo Type: Plasma
- Energy: 100%
- Secondary Shot: Yes
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: You should reload your Carbine whenever you have an opening because of the overheat mechanic that slows down your reloads if you do not.
While the Ravager is designed for area control, it is terrible at the job because of the low damage from its carpets of fire.
- Type: Launcher
- Ammo Type: Plasma
- Energy: 100%
- Secondary Shot: Yes
- Zoom: Yes
Tip: The Ravager should be used only to deactivate enemy shields. You should switch to a different weapon to burn down enemy HP.
The weapon meta can change overnight due to balance changes and you will need to adapt accordingly. Until 343 Industries tweaks the weapon sandbox, you should consider sticking to the S and A-Tier weapons on this tier list.