The Specialty Score Update: League of Legends Scoring System

The Specialty Score Update: League of Legends Scoring System

We're excited to unveil our latest innovation in League of Legends scoring: The Specialty Score Update. This game-changing enhancement is designed to recognize and reward your unique strengths on the Rift, creating a more nuanced and fair competitive environment for all Gamercraft competitors.

Introducing Specialty Scores: A Comprehensive Overview

Specialty Scores is a new category that reflects your skills in specific aspects of the game, unique to your champion and role. Each score is designed to give you a new way to compete and showcase your abilities. By focusing on your strengths and improving your Specialty Scores, you can take your game to the next level and beat your division.

Crowd Control (CC) Mastery

Crowd Control (CC) Mastery measures the total CC duration inflicted on enemies, frequency of CC application, and its impact on key objectives and teamfights. Its game-long impact ranges from early lane control to late-game teamfight disruption.

For example, a Leona who consistently locks down priority targets in early skirmishes, controls mid-game objective fights with well-timed stuns, and peels for carries in late-game sieges is bound to get maximum points.

Dueling Prowess

Dueling Prowess evaluates success in 1v1 and 1v2 situations, including CS leads, favorable trades, and solo kills. Its game-long impact extends from laning phase dominance to late-game split-pushing threat. To get a high score, aim to win as many duels as possible by outplaying your opponent, and don't be afraid to take risks and make aggressive plays if its safe to duel.

For example, a Fiora who wins her lane through smart trades, creates constant side lane pressure mid-game, and can threaten a 1v1 against anyone in late-game teamfights exemplifies high Dueling Prowess.

Ganking Efficiency

Ganking Efficiency assesses successful ganks, countergank prevention, and overall map pressure created. It's all about your Jungling ability to roam and make plays across the map. To get a high score, focus on setting up successful ganks by coordinating with your teammates and timing your attacks to catch your opponents off guard.

For example, a Lee Sin who secures early leads for his laners, transitions this advantage to control neutral objectives mid-game, and finds crucial picks in the late game to open up Baron or Elder Dragon opportunities demonstrates high Ganking Efficiency.

Teamfight Impact

Team Fight Impact measures damage dealt/mitigated, CC applied, positioning, and game-changing ultimates in teamfights. To get a high score, participate in team fights frequently and focus on dealing damage and securing kills without dying yourself. Make sure to also coordinate with your team to take objectives and control the battlefield.

For example, an Orianna who zones enemies off objectives early, turns mid-game skirmishes with well-placed shields and slows, and lands game-winning Shockwaves in late-game teamfights would score highly in this category.

Early Game Dominance

Early Game Dominance evaluates advantages gained in the first 15 minutes, including CS, kills, objectives, and vision control. To get a high score, focus on farming efficiently, trading effectively with your opponent, and taking advantage of any opportunities to secure kills or objectives in the early game.

For example, a Draven who not only dominates his lane but also rotates for early Drake fights, pressures mid-tower, and transitions his lead into a commandeering presence in mid- and late-game team fights exemplifies Early-Game Dominance.

How We Use Your Specialty Scores

Our system calculates your performance in all five categories throughout the game, then selects and averages your top two Specialty Scores. This approach recognizes your unique strengths, whether you're a well-rounded player or a phase specialist. Your final Specialty Score is incorporated into your overall game score, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your impact from the first minion to the last Nexus hit.

Additional Scoring System Updates

  • Removed KP Subscore: We have removed the KP subscore to streamline the scoring process and focus on other important metrics.
  • Minor Changes to KDA, LP, and Vision Subscores: We have made minor adjustments to the KDA, LP, and vision subscores to improve accuracy and fairness.
  • Balancing Adjustments: Overall balancing adjustments have been implemented to ensure that all scoring metrics contribute equitably to the final score.

These changes will be live for you to experience in tournaments starting this Wednesday, and we will progressively add the new scoring system to all our League of Legends tournaments!

Thank you for being part of our community, and we look forward to seeing you winning tournaments!

The Gamercraft Team

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